Drop Down List Value. A drop-down list is an excellent way to give the user an option to select from a pre-defined list. If you have the 'AutoPostBack' property of the drop down list set to true you will have to also set the 'CausesValidation' property to true then use a 'RequiredFieldValidator' to This makes the initial visible value of this dropdown show up, but not actually be a part of the drop down, nor is it a selectable.
Excel drop down list can assist you in picking up a value from a valid list to enter in a cell. First, if you type a value that is not in the list, Excel shows an error alert. In the JSP page, inside the Sricplet tag you do the following But, this is where dynamic drop down comes into the picture, and it is the best option to select data without making any changes in the data validation.
But while using it, one thing always gave me nuts that you need to update its data source whenever you add a new entry.
A drop-down list is a powerful tool.
Create drop-down lists in a cell with Google Sheets. I found that it was databinding error. data was not bound to ddl therefore selected value was empty. thanx to u all for reply. Excel drop down list can assist you in picking up a value from a valid list to enter in a cell.