Pdf Not A Supported File Type. To embed a PDF upload it to Google Drive and set its sharing to public. In Internet Explorer, when you click on a link to a pdf file, you get the error message "Adobe Reader could not open 'filename.fdf' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been corrupted." This error is due to an issue with Adobe Acrobat viewing PDF files in a web browser.
When I open the file using a PDF viewer it shows me this error: File type unknown (application/octet-stream) is not supported. After converting the smartform to PDF, i managed to download the file and view it without any problem but i can't view the PDF as an attachment. However, when a user tries to open a file in Adobe Reader or Adobe There is no specific solution to this error message as it is not an issue but merely an informative note on behalf of the program informing the user that.
PDF' because it is either not a supported fle type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent.
If you'd like to use a file type that we don't support, you can save the file as a pdf and then upload it to hellosign.com.
In the list that appears, locate '.acsm', click on it to highlight it, then click 'Change program'. I have received files by e-mail which I have been unable to open. Documents sent in this format are independent of the operating system, hardware, and application used to create.