German Forms Of You. This polite form implies a certain formality between people and takes into account social considerations. One difference that newcomers to German notice right away has to do with word So how do you know how to form/use genders correctly in German?
To fight vampires three things would help: garlic, a stake and a crucifix. Do you not find a teacher in your region? One of the most important questions about German is when to use Sie (you formal) and when to use du/ihr (you/you [speaking to a group]).
Can you give the present and past forms of the German verb Haben Test your knowledge on this language quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others.
Switzerland is a case of its own.
If you are unsure whether to be formal or informal, use the formal address. However, once you break down the rules, German verb conjugation is actually quite simple and it follows patterns Or if you're already at the intermediate level, why not enrol in Grammar Hero, my intermediate These verbs are all forms of the verb 'to be'. It's the German form of address in professional contexts (especially with clients or suppliers), but "du" is used sometimes with colleagues.