Money Order Pay To The Order Of. You cannot pay with a credit card. By following these five steps, you can make sure your funds are delivered to the right person or Write the name of the person or business that will receive the money order on the line that starts with "Pay to the Order Of." Pay to order describes a check or draft that must be paid via endorsement and delivery.
Make transactions convenient with money orders. What does 'the order of' mean? Why do we need the phrase here?
Postal Service money order, take it to the post office to cash it.
Companies that issue money orders want the most secure form of payment possible because once they issue the money order, their money is as good as Finally, you have to pay for postage to send the money order to the recipient.
If the money order was stolen or you feel you've been scammed, you may be out of luck. If you want to send it via express mail, expect to pay approximately. The first line you'll likely see will either say "Pay to" or "Pay to the order of." If it says pay to the order of John Peters then Only John Peters can cash or deposit it unless it is again signed over to another person.