Second Line Indent

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Second Line Indent. The second page has no indent. Sometimes, however, you need to indent the second line of the sentence or paragraph while leaving the To begin a new paragraph, typically you tab before typing, creating an indent on the first line.

How to Indent the Second Line in CSS : Web Programming ...
How to Indent the Second Line in CSS : Web Programming ... (Christina Patrick)
First Line Indent : Inserts the indent marker on the ruler and indents the first line of text in a If you're using the example, try indenting the second and third paragraphs of the thank-you letter. I manually entered a space between the letter and the line. I thought I had solved it by having the actual chapter headings indented like this, but the table of contents.

I manually entered a space between the letter and the line.

A Hanging indent, also known as a second line indent, sets the first line of a paragraph at the margin, and then There are essentially two paragraph indent styles, Hanging and First Line indents.

Hanging Indent: Format & Example |

How to Create a Hanging Indent in Google Docs [FAQ]

How to Create a Hanging Indent in Word

Indent the first line of a paragraph - Word

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Second line basic information and a brief history. Hanging indents are a requirement of MLA (Modern Language. When they try to indent the second and ensuing lines in a paragraph for their entries, the program (Google Docs) indents the first line instead.