Change Dropbox Location. Move Dropbox Directory to New Location Using Dropbox Desktop Application. Moving or changing the location of the dropbox folder can be very handy.
When I reached the point where the installation asks for permission to access my home folder, it referred to my old account name i.e. Move Dropbox Directory to New Location Using Dropbox Desktop Application. Change Dropbox Notifications Settings in Dropbox Login App.
The file syncing and sharing tool Dropbox installs itself as a local application on your computer and maintains a special Dropbox folder somewhere on your hard drive.
You should now see output similar to this This client is not Official Dropbox CLI (Command-line Interface).
Click on Don't ask again since. You can change this folder location through the Dropbox GUI: right-click the Dropbox icon in the notification area, select Preferences and click on the Advanced button. Or do I need to move my.scriv to Dropbox/apps/scrivener?