Mozilla Border Radius

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Mozilla Border Radius. This is the description of the border-radius property. Border radius is a particularly good example of why we do it that way.

Manual css3 DesarrolloWeb
Manual css3 DesarrolloWeb (Nettie McGee)
Method of making the border corners round. This property's effect can only be seen in browsers which do not use WebKit as their web engine, like Internet Explorer. The border-radius property in WebKit accepts one or two values and uses them to style all four The Mozilla properties used here do not conform to the standard (hence the -moz- prefix) and until Firefox.

Border radius is a particularly good example of why we do it that way.

The border-radius property defines the radius of the element's corners. | Tutorial: CSS Rounded Corners

-moz-box-shadow и -moz-border-radius - это кошмар CPU ...

html5 - CSS3: add rounded corners to images - Stack Overflow

Style des boites “boxe” | Programmation Web

Getting to Work with CSS3 Power Tools

border-radius and -moz-border-radius

Border Radius: CSS Rounded Corners Without Images ...

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In slightly more complicated version of using border-radius (where you pass two values instead of one) the older -webkit- vendor. This is the description of the border-radius property. Learn all about using CSS border-radius for tables, images, divs, and other HTML The CSS Border-Radius Property.