Css Hide Text. To un-hide the anchor tag (if it also gets transparent); add some color to t. CSS to style the div hidden or visible.
Choose what you want to learn in the navigation column on the left. Want the Price to show but not the "Fee Probably wanted to keep it there for alternative styles, e.g. hiding it only when on mobile, keeping it. The text doesn't have its own tag so it's hard to target in the CSS.
The content is removed from the visual flow of the An element with no height or width, whether defined in HTML or CSS, is typically removed from the flow.
Some CSS hiding options are all or nothing.
Choose what you want to learn in the navigation column on the left. Want the Price to show but not the "Fee Probably wanted to keep it there for alternative styles, e.g. hiding it only when on mobile, keeping it. Hidden Text is one of the challenges faced by webmasters and search engines.