Wot Rating Calculator

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Wot Rating Calculator. Your rating achievements are available to all players, friends, and clanmates. With Wot-Life.com you can determine the development of World of Tanks players and clans.

What is Activity Score & how is it calculated? – WOT Help ...
What is Activity Score & how is it calculated? – WOT Help ... (Clayton Lloyd)
WoT-Life is a free, player created web service for World of Tanks. You can check WoT player ratings in the World of Tanks Hall of Fame. Keep in mind that ratings are skewed for low battle counts and new players who are still learning the game.

Your rating achievements are available to all players, friends, and clanmates.

You can check WoT player ratings in the World of Tanks Hall of Fame.

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Keep in mind that ratings are skewed for low battle counts and new players who are still learning the game. WoT-Life is not an official website. With Wot-Life.com you can determine the development of World of Tanks players and clans.