Multiple If Condition. Upon a successful IF condition I want to set multiple variables. The idea is that I need it to return certain information dependant upon either one OR more criteria being met and the criteria doesn't always populate within the same cell. to clarify the conditions properly IF LOGIC: Multiple conditions.
SyntaxError: multiple statements found while compiling a single statement. Each elseif condition must be between the first line of the if/then statement and it's last end. " i.e. logical AND or logical OR operator to connect two or more conditions inside a if statement.
Here is how I mention two conditions if this or this.
There are multiple different types of conditionals in JavaScript including Conditional statements allow us to represent such decision making in JavaScript, from the choice that must be made (for example, "one cookie or two"), to the resulting outcome of those choices (perhaps.
I tried to create it but multiple conditions not possible using conditional column. Using the -or condition: if it's Saturday then ($dow -ne "Sunday") is true, and it runs. Conditional statements control behavior in JavaScript and determine whether or not pieces of code can run.