Sugar Creek Church Of Christ. We welcome all to Sugar Creek Mennonite Church to worship God and for Christian fellowship. While you're here feel free to explore the site, listen to a sermon or two, enroll in a Bible correspondence or Christian Evidences course, or just look around and find out more about the church of Christ in general or the specific church that meets in Sugar Creek.
While you're here feel free to explore the site, listen to a sermon or two, enroll in a Bible correspondence or Christian Evidences course, or just look around and find out more about the church of Christ in general or the specific church that meets in Sugar Creek. Sunday classes and children's programming Cedar Creek Church is a great place to make friends and find family. Sugar Creek Church of Christ Inc.
Whether you are young or old, single or married, we have a place for you.
Sugar Creek Church Of Christ's Competitors, Revenue, Number of Employees, Funding and Acquisitions.
This we do each Lord's day as Christ has said. We worship God in spirit and truth, reaching out to one another in Christ's love. We welcome all to Sugar Creek Mennonite Church to worship God and for Christian fellowship.