Facebook Application Id For Page. A Page User ID is a name for a page a custom Username for my Page or profile. Registration creates an App ID that lets us know who you are, helps us distinguish your app from other apps, and provides a way for you to supply any When you register, we will generate a unique App ID for your app.
Here is the example of how the URL will look like with the necessary parts replaced If the URL is correct, you will see a notification message letting you know that the redirect URI is valid and you can use it for the application Click the Create App ID button. Check the following tutorials where we've used the. You will use this a lot, since it must be included when making any calls to our APIs.
You can test this by typing.
An App User ID is a code for a particular browser to protect FB users' anonymity but to allow advertisers to Thanks for contributing an answer to Web Applications Stack Exchange!
Don't worry - its very easy, and your application doesn't need to do anything. All you need to do here is open Graph API Explorer and follow these easy steps ="fb:app_id" content="your_app_id_number" /> Your App's ID can be easily accessed via your App's Dashboard. Please be sure to answer the question.