Australian Date Format Mm Dd Yyyy. Because I'm in Australia, dates are formatted like dd/mm/yyyy but strtotime only wants to parse it as a US formatted date. How can I change the date format mm-dd-yyyy to dd-mm-yyyy in the input type date?
How can I change the date format mm-dd-yyyy to dd-mm-yyyy in the input type date? And Sheets seems to default to the US format. Hi guys, i want to change the format of date to DD/MM/YYYY to YYYY/MM/DD.
It's formatted like this to be passed to the backend system.
Date Formats - MM/DD/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY.
On US Customs and Immigration forms for all entering the US, the date is required. To deal with this, JavaScript has the Intl. Couple of interesting items: USA celebrates Independence on the "Fourth of July".