Php Go Back A Page. That will show you an empty form. To go back to the previous page the superglobal variable $_SERVER can be used. $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] has the link to the previous page.
These are the top rated real world PHP examples of go_back extracted from open source projects. But To restart Apache, go back to the terminal window and issue the command Another type of login error is when your WordPress login page keeps refreshing and redirecting it back to the login screen. Better yet, you can kick the accessibility factor up a notch by using PHP's global HTTP_REFERER variable to.
Thus we finished inserting data using HTML form as the design part and PHP as the logic into MYSQL database in this PHP, MYSQL and HTML forms tutorial.
You can use the history.back() method to tell the browser to go back to the user's previous page.
That way, if you decide to change the domain out or reconfigure your folder structure, you don't have a major catastrophe on your hands. <button onclick="goBack()">Go Back</button>. The GO BACK link takes you to the Add Employee form again. Now save config file and exit back to the command line.