Windowlocationhref Not Working. It also works for Safari except for the first time. The alert is working, which tells me that the things inside the if statement should be being executed.
The alert is working, which tells me that the things inside the if statement should be being executed. But this function is failing and I can't see There is a known issue with changing to relative location during ajax call in the emulator. If I add an alert: alert("whatever") after my last line of code parent.frames['selectedProducts'].location.href=url; It works everytime for Safari.
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I tried using window.location.href and window.location.replace but it doesn't work. But this function is failing and I can't see There is a known issue with changing to relative location during ajax call in the emulator. But it's taking me to the normal search results. mailid is a global variable that gets set in another JS function and it does contain the correct value.