Ways To Get Social Security Number. Most employers keep records of their employees' Social Security Numbers. Your new social security number will be cross-referenced with your old number.
A Social Security Number or SSN is the most important number assigned to a person living in the United States, and is legally allowed to work. However, displaying your Social Security card along with a government-issued photo ID card (typically, a driver's license) is a way of confirming that the SSN and name on the card belong to. Most employers keep records of their employees' Social Security Numbers.
This number is required in order to open a bank account, obtain a credit card, get a driver's license, buy a car, get domestic health insurance (as opposed to.
There are various ways your Social Security number could fall into the wrong hands.
Millions of Social Security numbers have been compromised due to a data breach at the credit reporting firm "Provide your Social Security number only when it's really needed, and don't be afraid to ask." Subscribe to our daily newsletter to get investing advice, rankings and stock market news. Now, The SSN has become a de facto national identification number for taxation and other purposes. The Social Security Administration issues the number to track individuals employment for Social Security benefits.