Made Payment On Account. On account is an accounting term that denotes partial payment of an amount owed or the purchase/sale of merchandise or services on credit. Payment on account is not something that is widely known about among people who have never been part of the Self Assessment Once you are over the initial hurdle, payments on account simply spread your tax bill across the year and can make it easier to budget.
Immediate Interbank Payments make payments to accounts held at other financial institutions available immediately. Most lenders will accept payments on account. The question is whether it is possible to A payment aggregator acts as an intermediary.
Online banking payments, mobile payments, express banking payments and telephone banking payments.
Payments are now made easy with DStv Africa Self Service.
Before you start, make sure your location is supported for developer and merchant registrati. We make payments from your account shortly after midnight at the start of the due date. To make a payment, you can use any of the payment methods in your Amazon account.