Rounded To Nearest Cent. The nearest cent would be a whole number - so you end up with no numbers after a decimal point. When working with money, you need to know how to round it, either to the nearest cent, nearest dollar, or to a larger amount such as the tens or hundreds place.
Hledger support for rounding of auto-posting amounts to the nearest cent. To learn about the basic rules of rounding see our Rounding Numbers Calculator. Then look at the digit to the right.
A decimal is rounded to the nearest cent by rounding it to the nearest hundredth of a dollar, which is a cent.
Round the field when you do the calculation, and the field will sum correctly.
When working with money, you need to know how to round it, either to the nearest cent, nearest dollar, or to a larger amount such as the tens or hundreds place. There are two types of rounding techniques used when rounding money. Is it not possible to update Xero in the next build to round figures out to the nearest cent?