Pay Pal Forgot Password. Then you may log in, change your credit card info, and do other things. Looking for paypal forgot password login?
Now, you want to recover your PayPal account without phone number. If you have forgot your password, you can follow this article to retrieve your paypal password. Then you may log in, change your credit card info, and do other things.
I forgot my Paypal password, and I tried to change my password but forgot the answer to my security questions.
Technician's Assistant: Just to clarify, what device or product are you trying to access?
Your PayPal password can be reset from the login page by going to your profile, accessing the security tab, and editing your password. If you cannot access your PayPal account then you can also reset your password by pressing the "Having trouble logging in?" button at the login screen. Then you may log in, change your credit card info, and do other things.