Longitude To Decimal. The form below allows you to convert Latitude and Longitude information between decimal format and degree/minute/second (DMS) format. Enter values into the coordinate tool and the values will automatically update.
Simply enter the DMS values for your position below. So you can find your location(found from a paper map) on a digital map. Use the "Coordinates - Decimal" box to enter coordinates in decimal; the result will be shown in Latitude and longitude are precise ways of locating a person or thing without a reference point.
Geographic coordinates consist of latitude and longitude.
Decimal degrees (DD) express latitude and longitude geographic coordinates as decimal fractions of a degree.
Convert between Degrees, Minutes and Seconds and Decimal Units (or vice versa). Precede South latitudes and West longitudes with a minus sign. Convert decimal latitude and longitude to degrees minutes and seconds, also known as DMS To convert decimal coordinates to degrees minutes seconds (DMS), all you need to do is enter the.